Pack & Ship

Custom Box Making | Hyde Park, NY

Custom Box Making in Hyde Park, NY

Shipping Place & More: Going above and beyond basic boxes

Any retail shipping store can provide conventional boxes in a small range of selected sizes, but what if your item isn't a "conventional" size? When you need a specialized box in Hyde Park, NY, you need to visit Shipping Place & More. We are your packing and shipping experts and we go above and beyond basic sizes to create durable custom boxes and even custom crates.

We can build custom boxes for almost anything

Sometimes no standard box size will fit your item. Let’s say you have a framed painting with dimensions of six feet by three feet. You would have to have a custom box built for you to properly pack and ship this painting. Shipping Place & More has packing professionals who can take flat cardboard and make a sturdy box that’s just the right size. We take your items' exact dimensions and can custom-build boxes to fit practically anything. Then our professional staff can pack your items in a timely manner during store hours. With our custom packaging, your shipment will make it through the transportation network in excellent condition.

custom box making


custom box making

Boxes are key to a proper packing job

Businesses and residents of the Hyde Park, NY, area rely on Shipping Place & More for their custom boxes and packing needs. We have extensive experience in building custom corrugated boxes for all kinds of items. Whether you need to store or ship electronic equipment, artwork, or a favorite antique rocking chair, we can make the boxes you need. When it comes to customer service and custom boxes, we are not concerned about the unusual shape or size of item you are shipping. We are in business to get creative and make the right box for your job.

We build custom corrugated boxes

Whether the job calls for a single-wall corrugated box or a double-wall corrugated box, your package with be safe and sound in a custom box specially designed for your needs. Extremely fragile items call for "double-boxes" or a box-in-a-box to ensure they arrive in one piece. Custom boxes can be made from recycled cardboard material or a combination of recycled and new materials. We can stuff packages with extra packing material to keep your valuable items from moving around or getting bumped by heavier boxes.

Other custom boxes

Sometimes you need more than simple corrugated cardboard. Our box-building service extends to additional types of boxes including;

  • Foam-lined containers
  • Insulated containers
  • Shipping containers

Foam-lined and insulated containers provide extra packaging protection for perishable and especially fragile goods to be shipped. Custom shipping containers are great for protecting your merchandise against impact, rain and other water damage, and even theft. Custom

shipping containers are a necessary part of a company-managed inventory control program when you ship items on a regular basis.

corrugated box making

More than boxes

In addition to our selection of more than 70 different sizes of boxes and our ability to build custom boxes for your items, Shipping Place & More also carries packaging supplies at our store in Hyde Park, NY. It's a one-stop shop for packing materials, including reinforced tape and other packaging supplies you need to ship goods. As part of our service, we also offer custom crate building services for fine furniture and other large and heavy pieces.

Multiple custom boxes

Making single custom boxes is part of our daily work, but sometimes you need to buy more than one custom box. Let's say you need matching storage boxes of a certain size for your antique hubcap collection. Or your company needs two dozen of the same-sized corrugated box to send out samples of dog beds to potential vendors. We can build multiple copies of the same custom box at highly competitive prices. It's all part of our professional box-building services.

Have a question about custom built boxes at Shipping Place & More? 

For more information on our services or to get a free quote on a custom box and packaging in Hyde Park, New York, call  845-483-7447 . Discover the excellent customer service that keeps our customers returning to our shop again and again to pack and ship their packages. Not in a hurry? Click on the button below to send us a message. Drop by during our store hours, Mon.-Fri., 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, and Sat., 10 am to 3 pm and let us tell you more about our packaging services and custom boxes

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