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Office Supplies | Hyde Park, NY

Office Supplies in Hyde Park, NY

Shipping Place & More: Shop for office supplies

Time and time again, Shipping Place & More surprises customers with its services and its products, including the store's extensive collection of school and office supplies. For many years, we have had a strong reputation for providing fast, reliable service for a large variety of services, ranging from printing and mailbox rentals to bike shipping and furniture packing. Then we wanted more ways we could help customers save time and money -- and we added school and office supplies to the mix!

The basics

Whether you are opening an office and starting from scratch or you're stocking up on the usual supplies, there are office basics that any business would need. We have trusted name brand office supplies on essential items such as paper, file folders, pens, markers, and all kinds of items. Our employees can help you search for what you need and check off what's on your shopping list. The experienced staff members in our office supply section and special orders area represent a major advantage over the big box office supply stores. They are your office supply and school supplies experts!

Paper goods

paper supplies

You can use the following list to get started, although not all these items may apply to all offices. Note that a new business can order custom stationery and business cards right here in the store. Shipping Place & More offers both graphic design and outstanding printing services -- at good prices -- to save you time.

  • Printed letterhead stationery, plus blank sheets for additional pages
  • Printed return address envelopes for the company
  • Business cards
  • Legal pads
  • Spiral notebooks in different sizes
  • Daily or weekly planners and calendars
  • Notebook binders
  • Assorted sticky notes
  • Letter size and legal size computer/photocopy paper
  • Letter size colored paper
  • File folders
  • Variety of adhesive labels, including mailing labels
  • Different sizes of larger mailing envelopes, including bubble/padded mailers


  • Ballpoint/roller tip/gel pens (blue, black, red)
  • Permanent markers
  • No. 2 pencils and mechanical pencils
  • Highlighters
  • Whiteboard markers and whiteboard cleaner
  • Correction tape/fluid


Miscellaneous office supplies

office supplies

  • Postage stamps -- yes we sell stamps!
  • Your choice of type of thumbtacks
  • Rubber bands
  • Paperclips and binder clips
  • Staplers, staples, and staple removers
  • Paper punch
  • Tape dispenser and tape refills
  • Scissors
  • Bulletin boards and white boards
  • Clipboards
  • Rulers
  • Sign and banner options


Organization items

One of the ways to stay on top of any job is to organize stuff and organize information. Some people in your company probably have to continually search through their inbox, work space and desk to find what they need. Establishing order is easier with the right organization tools. Let our employees help you shop for the right type of desk accessories and desk organizers to change your filing style from piles of paper to a more efficient organization system. When it comes to inbox chaos, we can provide more ways of paper storage and organization so you can save time -- and shorten the search process.

School supplies

Of course, many office supplies are what students would use for school supplies. High school and college students rely on the quality of our supplies for their school work, subject by subject, semester after semester. Although email, computers and the power of the web site inevitably change the ways in which we use paper, paper will never be completely removed from the classroom. College students also like to check out what's new in our shop, such as more ways for storage in a crowded dorm room or small apartment.

One-stop shop

Our regular customers consider us their One-Stop Business Shop” in Hyde Park, NY, because our services help save time and make their lives simpler. For instance, if you don't see the office supplies you need while you're shopping, we can place special orders for any of your office supply needs. Email the shop about what you are looking for and we'll search for deals on prices and try to save you money with exclusive offers.

Shipping Place & More: Making shopping for office supplies easy and efficient

Go by our shop at 3979 Albany Post Road in Hyde Park to discover how easy it is to find the office supplies you need. Shopping for supplies sometimes becomes one of those things that fall between the cracks -- until you're out of the office supplies you need and someone finally deals with it. We want to save you time and money -- and make shopping enjoyable again. Join the customers who turn to Shipping Place & More to provide trusted brands of office products at good prices. For answers to your questions, call us at 845-483-7447 or email us a message by clicking the button below.

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Have A Question About Our Office Supplies?

For additional information, call us at 845-483-7447 or send us a message by clicking the button below.

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    Mar 17
